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Add Interest To Any Space With These Rare Houseplants

Houseplants are all the rage these days. People have begun to discover the calming influence of caring for them. It is a rewarding hobby, as anyone who has ever been cheered by the appearance of an unexpected flower or new offshoot, can tell you. There is also ample evidence that plants help to clean the air, removing harmful aerosols and replacing them with fresh clean oxygen. 

More than that, houseplants are a great way to add interest to any décor. Available in almost any shape, size or color they add life and beauty to any room. They can soften lines and smooth edges as well as add color and, if you are lucky, a delightful aroma in any space either at home or in the office.  

But what if you have a flair for the unusual? Don't worry. Weird, wacky and even ghoulish are part of the houseplant range. 

Living Stones 

The little lithops, also known as Living Stones, are certainly unusual in appearance. These small succulents are square in shape and are frequently brown or grey but also can be found in shades of green and red. They look very much like small rocks scattered across the soil. They do require a lot of sun but other than that they are very easy to care for. 

Sensitive Plants 

The Mimosa pudica, known as the Sensitive Plant, is a lovely little shrub that adapts well to indoor life. When given lots of sunshine and plenty of water, they will reward you with purple pom-pom-like flowers, but that is not the most interesting thing about this plant. These plants respond to being touched. Brush against them or run your finger down one of the leaves, and it will fold in on itself. Not to worry, you haven't damaged the pretty little thing. Give it a few minutes and the leaves will slowly reopen. 

Dancing Plant 

Codariocalyx motorius, known as the dancing or telegraph plant, looks like an ordinary houseplant, but it is so much more interactive than most. This plant's leaves and stem will react to vibrations by shaking or swaying. If you sing to it or play music near it, it will move in time, dancing if you will, to the music. They can grow to an impressive four feet tall if given enough sunshine and fertilized regularly. 

Carrion Flower 

The Stapelia gigantea, or carrion flower plant is not for the light-hearted. Although the plant itself, an easy to care for cactus, is not very unique, the flower it produces is certainly one of a kind. This large, up to 12 inches across, trumpet-shaped bloom is impressive to behold. However, it designed to attract carrion-eating insects and so has the unsettling aroma of rotting meat.  

A quick search online will introduce you to many other houseplants that go way beyond the ordinary. Whether you go with the trendy or the unique, houseplants are good for the soul. They add beauty and a breath of fresh air to the office and living spaces in your life and will quietly listen to even the most mundane of repeated monologues without complaint. 

If you want to read more about unusual houseplants, including the Lipstick and Prayer plant, check out this article from our friends over at Happy DIY Home