Broadway Suites

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Cleaner Air Means Healthier Offices at Broadway Suites in NYC

Cleaner Air Means Healthier Offices at Broadway Suites in NYC

Your work environment directly affects your output. Here at Broadway Suites in NYC, we're committed to helping YOU get back to work by creating healthy workspaces for small businesses. To that end, we've installed new air purification systems that do more than filter the air. They clean it of viruses and bacteria.

We've Updated our HVAC Systems so YOU Can Work Healthier.

The Broadway Suites team has added the latest model RGF Reme Halo In-Duct Air Purifier System IAQ Ionizer (Reme-H) to our offices. In addition to killing airborne bacteria and viruses, and killing dangerous mold spores, they freshen the air and reduce odors like smoke, and reduce allergens and other air pollutants. 

Clean Air Matters — Before and After COVID-19

There is a direct relationship between air quality and employee productivity, according to Joseph G. Allen, director of the Healthy Buildings program at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and lead author of 9 Foundations for Health. 

  • Allen writes that fresh air leads to better decision-making, enhanced staff output, and a better mood in your office all day long.

  • Clean, fresh air will make you feel energized during your workday, improve employee retention, and your customers will be happy too.

Before the 1970s, offices in New York were built with more windows and ventilation. Then, we became more concerned with energy prices and pollution (and rightfully so). Many older buildings were sealed up. Windows were permanently closed to reduce utility spending. We didn't know it back then, but this wasn't a healthy choice for office staff.

Today, we know issues like air quality, noise pollution and lighting have a huge impact on our ability to work well. 

If you've been working in an older building or even a newer building with a poor HVAC system, you will immediately notice the difference. If you're a manager or supervisor, over time, you'll see reduced absenteeism among employees and reduced risk of virus transmission. That means your staff and customers will feel better in the long run. 

Broadway Suites: Impressive Manhattan Office Space for Rent

We know how eager you are to return to work. We're working hard to ensure our New York office spaces are ready for you in the "new normal." Broadway Suites proudly offers premium office space in Manhattan. Our mission is to provide clean, healthy, convenient office locations and an affordable way to run your business, complete with a Midtown Manhattan mailing address. 

Is it time to take your home-based business to a real office? Or maybe you think it's time to move your operations to a more prestigious location. If you're ready to learn more about our affordable office space for rent in Manhattan, check out our midtown Manhattan office locations and shared workspace amenities. Then, let's talk!