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Gain Some Gratitude: How Gratitude Improves Physical Health

We know that when you give gratitude to others and even yourself, there are plenty of mental health benefits. You may feel happier, more at ease, and are able to tackle the challenges your day may bring with a little less effort.  Gratitude however does not only improve your mental health, but has been proven to help your physical health as well. There are a host of physical "gains" when you're giving a little gratitude! 

Sleep Easy

We all know that a good night's sleep is vital to overall health, but getting an ample amount of restful z's isn't easy.  Poor sleep has contributed to stress, irritability, weight gain, and even aided in more serious health conditions. Giving gratitude however has been shown to improve one's sleep and make a positive impact during the night. Several studies have shown that grateful people fall asleep more quickly, have more restorative sleep, and even sleep longer. Before bedtime is a great time to jot down your thoughts about what you're grateful for and what made the day special to you. This simple task only takes a few minutes, but can add meaningful time to your night's sleep, which in turn adds up to meaningful health benefits.

Heart Healthy

Receiving and giving gratitude may make our heart skip a beat, but being grateful has actually been shown to improve your heart health.  Stress, anxiety, and high blood pressure can all lead to heart disease. Keeping fit and having a well-rounded diet are some things you can do to keep your heart happy, but actually being happy and grateful can have the same effects. It turns out a positive attitude can do wonders for your heart. Being grateful leads to less  inflammation, which can have negative effects on the cardiovascular system.  It also has been shown to lessen depression, stress, and anxiety which also can hurt your heart health. Taking time to enjoy what's around you and exude kindness and generosity can also produce a heartier heart.

Positive Patterns

When you start to go forth with a lifestyle of gratitude, there are a lot of other benefits that have been shown to go along with the grateful attitude. When people start to be more grateful, their mood and confidence improves, which makes it easier to start picking up habits that can improve overall health. Those that are grateful tend to eat a more well-balanced diet, which can decrease weight, help you become more active, and boost your outlook. Grateful people have also been shown to adhere to their doctor's suggestions when it comes to being healthy, so they stick with plans they know will make long-lasting and beneficial changes, from exercising more to keeping in an eye on their mental health. 

It's clear to see how important it is to gain some gratitude! 


Today’s health tips are brought to you by Broadway Suites, affordable mid-town Manhattan office space. For more information, call us at 212.696.0264 or email Broadway Suites.