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How to Prepare for a Successful Holiday Vacation

It's essential to take time off and relax. However, balancing work and personal life can be difficult. This article will provide tips on using your vacation time without ruining your life or career.

Reasons why people vacate during holidays

There are many reasons why people choose to vacate during the holidays. Some want to be with their families, some want to experience a new culture, and others want a break from their normal routine. The most popular time for traveling is during the holiday season. There is always something going on in every major city during this time of year. Other popular times for traveling are spring break and summer vacation. It's important to know when these peak times are so you can plan your vacations accordingly.

Quick tips on how to prepare for your holiday vacation

One of the most important things you should do before leaving for your vacation is to list what you need to pack. You might need to pack many things, but only a few are necessary for your trip. The following are some of the essential items.

  • Light and compact, clothes in layers

  • Shoes that match multiple outfits

  • Clothing that is appropriate for the destination

  • Toiletries and other essentials

The three most important things to do before vacation

  1. Ensure that your business will still be in good hands. You should also ensure that the people taking care of your business during your absence won't get overwhelmed. 

  2. List all the things that need to happen while you are away and delegate those tasks. 

  3. Have an answer or plan for all the potential problems that might occur during your absence.

How to network and avoid burnout during the holidays 

People often get many invitations to parties and get-togethers towards the festive/holiday season. It can be challenging to decline these invites and stay focused on work. The key is to network strategically to avoid burnout. Networking during the holidays is not just about going out for drinks or attending holiday events but also staying in touch with friends and colleagues in a meaningful way. 

The art of asking for help during the vacation

Ask for help can be difficult regardless of whether it is with a personal or professional matter. There are two keys to asking for the help you need:

  1. Be specific in your request.

  2. When someone offers their time and energy, acknowledge what they have done so that they feel appreciated.

Most people think they need to take all their vacation days at once, but that's not the case. Instead, try taking a few days off here and there throughout the year and ensure you get enough time for yourself and family activities. People tend to burn out from overwork and stress. Some of the best ways to combat this problem include taking a vacation every month or just going on one long weekend trip every year.

Enjoy Your Holiday!

If you’re a current Broadway Suites tenant and you’re taking some time off during the holidays, enjoy your time away without fear! We’ll keep the lights on and your workspace safe. Please let us know if you have any concerns or requests, and we’ll be happy to work with you to ensure you have peace-of-mind during your travels.