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The Strength of Diversity in The Workplace - and How to Achieve It

Imagine walking into a room and finding people of different ethnicities, ages, cultures, physical abilities and religious groups, all interacting and contributing their opinions for the growth and development of an idea? Such a scenario will propel anyone to want to engage in the conversion. The room will feel like a safe space free of discrimination and open to anyone who walks through the door.  A workplace that nurtures diversity and inclusion always thrives.

Diversity Vs Inclusion

What does diversity in the workplace mean? In the simplest of terms, it can be defined as a state of mind that allows one to interact with different people. Inclusion is accepting a person as they are acknowledging that they are different but also embracing that part of them.

Diversity has become a major goal and trend in the business industry. Employers that prioritize diversity when it comes to hiring are deemed more desirable by job seekers as they tend to be more productive and welcoming to recruits.

So why embrace diversity and inclusion?

5 Benefits of Diversity in The Workplace

Improves Company Reputation

Workplace diversity boosts a company's reputation and brand. A diverse company is viewed to be more acceptable to constructive social norms and also piques the interest of both job seekers and customers. It draws the attention of customers as the company's products or services now become more relatable, and this results in self-marketing.

Increases Employee Engagement

Recall walking into a room with diverse people conversing and wanting to join in? When an employee feels included, they tend to be more engaging and productive. Feeling comfortable at work makes one open to ask questions and learn from other workmates leading to a happier work environment.

Increases Creativity and Problem Solving

Diverse people from different regions and with different experiences have different perspectives and methods of solving a problem. The more the diversity, the bigger the creativity and innovation pool created. Research shows that diverse teams experience a 60% improvement in their decision-making abilities. 

Reduces Employee Turnover

People quit their jobs when they don't feel accepted and motivated in their workplace. Having a diverse workforce makes one feel like they are a part of something greater.

Increased Profits

Having a diverse workforce that is motivated and comes up with different problem-solving methods and innovations increases performance and in turn, yields profits.

7 Ways to Improve Diversity in The Workplace

Companies look for ways to improve their diversity statistics and support inclusion and diversity in their workplace. They can achieve this by;

  • Recruiting over a broader geographic area

  • Providing a more flexible work schedule

  • Providing diversity training

  • Remembering that diversity is about more than race

  • Eliminating bias in the evaluation process and promotion opportunities

  • Opening a dialogue about gender pay inequality

  • Fostering diversity at all levels not just in recruiting.

At Broadway Suites, we strive and adhere to principles of diversity and inclusion when it comes to our Midtown Manhattan coworking space. Contact us today if you are looking for a thriving and welcoming work space in Manhattan.