How To Prepare For The First Snow Day in NYC

It doesn't matter if you've lived in New York City all your life or just moved there; the city experiences snowstorms every year. If you're lucky enough to live in a neighborhood that sees little snowfall, there's still the chance that you can be caught without an umbrella on a rainy day. There is always something we can prepare for in advance, even for those who are ready for the worst possible conditions. The first snow day is always a memorable one. Schools and offices shut down, people panic about getting home safely, and caterers stock up on salt and pepper as they expect very few customers at their establishments. How well you deal with such events also indicates how well you will cope with other challenges that come your way as an adult. Let us help you get ready for the first snow day in NYC...

Grab your umbrella and rain boots

Even if the snowfall isn't very heavy, you should be ready for anything. Purchase a reasonably priced, one-size-fits-all umbrella. You can also go for an extendable one that keeps your head dry while covering your shoulders. Wet streets and sidewalks become extremely slippery when it rains. You should invest in good rain boots to protect your feet and keep you safe. Make sure they are at least ankle-high so that they cover your legs and ankles.

Check the MTA's website.

Even if you don't plan to travel by subway, you should know if you'll be able to travel by car or bus. If New York City experiences heavy snowfall, the MTA will shut down the subway system. If this happens, you'll see a message on the MTA's website indicating that no trains are running and advising you to use alternative transportation methods. You can also check if your bus route runs with the MTA Bus/Subway Status website.

Prepare your home

If your home has a rooftop, consider investing in snow removal services. While you might be able to clear your roof manually, if there's a substantial amount of snowfall, you might need help to get to it. Roof snow removal services are designed for commercial properties and come in handy for homeowners who expect significant snowfall but don't want to climb a ladder to remove it. If you have a fireplace, make sure you have the proper type of wood on hand to burn. You can always purchase a few bundles of firewood if you don't have any. You should also check that your smoke detectors are in good condition and stocked with fresh batteries that are easily accessible. If you have a generator, now would be the time to get it ready. Generators are a godsend in power outages, but you must have them ready and tested. Complete with fuel and enough extension cords to power your entire house, your generator should be able to keep you warm and well-lit during a power outage.

Dress for the winter chill

Even if it isn't a snowy day, the winter chill is still a pain to deal with. Do yourself a favor and prepare your winter gear ahead of time. You can store it in a closet and pull it out when the first snowfall occurs. If you live in a walk-up apartment, you'll need to get your winter gear ready before the first snowfall, as you'll be forced to walk up a slippery and icy staircase to get home. If you're driving, ensure your car is ready for winter weather. This includes checking your tires for tread and pressure, keeping your gas tank full, and having an emergency kit. You can use apps like Uber or Lyft to get around the city if you're not driving.

Travel safely

You don't want to make your first snow day in NYC a bad experience, so make sure you travel safely. Dress appropriately for the weather. If it's below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, you should wear a warm jacket or sweater. If it's colder than that, you should layer up with a warm jacket, a scarf, a pair of gloves, and a pair of thick winter boots. Keep your phone charged and with you. If you plan on traveling by subway, make sure it has enough battery power to take you home. Ensure that your car battery is completely charged if you intend to travel by car. Purchase a portable charger so you can plug your car in at home and let it charge while you sleep.

In Summary

The first snow day is always a memorable one. It's an exciting time for kids who wait for it all year long and a frustrating time for adults who have to deal with the aftermath of weather-related issues. If you have lived in a city for some time, you know you have fewer concerns than newcomers. The first snow day is a great opportunity for newcomers to meet their neighbors and prepare for winter.

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