Join us for our Spring Art Show!

Hello and welcome to spring! We invite you to enjoy the change in season the right way, with celebration in an evening of art with Broadway Suites. A perfect opportunity to appreciate unique art, wine and cheese, live music, and of course, great company!

Feel free to bring friends or business associates along as well.

Event Details:

Welcome to Spring!

Featured Artists: Jane Sklar & Max Cartagena
Date/Time: Thursday April 23rd, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Location: 99 Madison Avenue, 5th floor

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Artwork pictured above:

  • Art piece Named: "Nina"

  • Printed on Art Paper, Archivally Framed

  • Both Artwork & Photography by Jane Sklar and Max Cartagena

  • 16" Long x 13" Wide

Art ShowsBroadway Suites