Reasons to be Cheerful About Returning to the Office

A vaccine is here, and the office beckons. Amid some moaning and groaning, many are looking forward to a return to a gradual return to the office as states begin to lift lockdown restrictions.

It will take some adjusting if you've gotten used to working from home, but by following health and safety guidelines, getting back to the office, or at least having the option to do so, is critical for a creative and vibrant office culture.


Any collaborative effort is improved by people physically getting together. The spark and energy it takes to be truly creative as a group is just not there with Zoom. And while zoom is useful in many ways, the logistics of people getting together and brainstorming, without the added constraint of remote viewing, are vastly improved simply by people being together in the same room. It's difficult to have a group of people give feedback on, say, a set of plans without being able to see the whole picture. Online collaboration comes with a set of physical restrictions.


Energy is fleeting and hard to describe, but everyone knows when the office is working on a high energy project. Creative juices get flowing, the air is abuzz with ideas, and everyone is psyched to get the work done. It's nearly impossible to create this same sense of energy remotely, with everyone viewing from their own little box. Physical proximity is an important part of the mix. This energy and creativity can be a huge part of what makes a business successful.


There's nothing quite like going to an office where you feel like part of the team. It's good for business, and it's good for your spirit. Many people miss this aspect of office life. Work can be a huge part of our identities. The camaraderie, the meeting up after work, the office may even miss your "work husband" or "work wife"!


Maintaining work/home balance is important. And while it may be easier to walk to the computer than it is to commute to the office, It can be very difficult to maintain work/home balance when in the home environment. This is especially true for people with children and pets.It's hard to get work done with the constant distraction. It can be much easier to get work done in the office, in an environment where everyone is focused on getting things done. 


Let's face it. Working from home can lead to you being completely unpresentable at 3:00 in the afternoon. 


If you need office space in Manhattan to get back to, Broadway suites provides affordable, all-inclusive offices and amenities for our tenants. We'd love to help you get back to the office!