Rewards in the Long Run: Creating and Maintaining Discipline

Coming up with new goals is an amazing feeling, but when it comes to actually committing to these goals, it can be difficult to get started! Creating a sense of discipline for yourself is an amazing way to build self-trust and get rewarded over time. When you commit to your goals and take steps to turn them into a reality, you'll be able to fully reap your rewards and enjoy them.

Even if you're out of practice, being gentle with yourself and creating small milestones that are easily obtainable lets you build discipline over time. Read on to discover simple ways to keep yourself disciplined and reach for the stars!

Create a Morning or Evening Routine

Discipline is built over time by consistent behavior, so creating a routine is extremely helpful if you're trying to refine your self-discipline skills. You definitely don't need to start waking up at 5 a.m. to jog, though: Customize your routines for your life, but make sure that you're incorporating things that are important to your health. Some easy everyday processes to include in your routines include:

  • Drinking a glass of water.

  • Taking a multivitamin and any other necessary medication.

  • Avoiding too much screen time - especially in the morning!

Something as simple as being disciplined enough to drink a glass of water every morning for a week shows you that you can rely on yourself. Use these simple routines as a launching point to implement bigger changes into your life.

Keep Yourself Accountable with a Plan of Action

Why is it so easy for us to fall off track when we're trying to create new habits? Usually, it's because we're not seeing immediate results, but the point of building discipline is to create long-term changes! Having a plan of action, a vision board, or another visual representation of your goals is a great reminder of why you're making these necessary changes.

If you ever feel discouraged, looking at a vision board or action plan will inspire you. You'll be able to recognize that you're at the beginning of your journey with building discipline, and over time, you'll be able to look back and be amazed at how your life has changed. 

Remember Why You Started

Another way to motivate yourself is to remember why you started. Whether you've been in a rut and you're simply fed up, or you have a specific goal that you're trying to discipline yourself to reach, keep the beginning of your journey in mind. 

Even if you feel like you haven't been able to make as much progress as you would like, looking back and remembering why you started will show you just how much you've grown. Simple changes can very easily lead to successful long-term results - you just have to be disciplined enough to be consistent.

Incorporating Discipline in Your Workspace

If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner, having focus in your workspace is paramount to growing and maintaining a healthy business and income. Broadway Suites can help you achieve this with easily customized work areas that put you in the heart of midtown Manhattan. Contact us today to learn more about our office space options, amenities and services.