Self Care for a Positive Attitude

What do you think of when you hear the words "self-care"? Maybe expensive skin care routines, complicated breakfast recipes, or strenuous daily workouts. For someone new to self-care, all these things can seem a little excessive and hard to maintain. 

There is good news, though. Self-care doesn't have to be a pricey cleanser or unappetizing smoothie- it could be as simple as simple as smiling in the mirror every morning. 

Habits are an extremely important part of our daily lives, whether we realize it or not. The little things you do throughout your day have the potential to make or break your attitude- that's why it is so important to maintain healthy habits that will give you a more positive attitude every day. This is the kind of easy self-care everyone needs to incorporate into their daily routine. It's easy, cheap, and has long-lasting effects.

Here are some easy habits you can start working on today:

Start the Morning Right

The way you begin the morning will likely decide how you spend your day. If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, the rest of the day just seems to go downhill. Luckily, by establishing a relaxing morning routine, you can easily begin the day on a positive note. This blog mentions how starting the morning with something enjoyable and productive will likely establish a positive attitude that will last throughout the day. 

  • Drink water when you wake up. Shea McLaughlin mentions in her Life Source post how hydrating early in the morning kickstarts your metabolism and wakes up your body systems, making you feel energized and clear-headed. It also flushes out toxins that have settled in your gut and helps clear your skin. The effects of this simple early morning act are immediate and will make you feel ready for the day.

  • Wash your face. Splashing a bit of cold water on your face is the best way to refresh yourself in the morning and clean any accumulated debris from your skin, according to InStyle Magazine. Although it seems like a timewaste, morning cleansing is widely accepted as a necessary habit. Not only will you wash away all that dead skin and residual oil, but you'll definitely feel a lot less bleary-eyed.

Take Time to Receive

You may notice that you spend most of your day expending energy. You may put 110% of your effort into your desk job, or you might spend hours preparing three full meals for your kids. According to Inc, this constant stress we put on ourselves for others is known as "output".  Output drains your mental energy quickly if it's not replenished, resulting in poor sleep and in turn, more stress. In order to avoid this continuous cycle, there are some habits you can teach yourself to refill your mental gas tank.

  • Read a good book. There is no easier escape from the daily bustle of life than through a book. Whether you prefer fiction or nonfiction, reading is a great way to relax your mind and receive new ideas, knowledge, and even comfort. By taking a bit of time from your day to sit down with a book, you are helping your mind recover from whatever stress you've come across.

  • Make a work playlist. Of course, you might not have the time to indulge in a relaxing activity, but that doesn't mean you can't receive some positive mental boosts. Create a playlist of your favorite music and listen to it while you go about your day. You'll find that those boring chores go by faster when you have your own background track.

Practice Gratitude

It might sound cliche, but gratitude leads to a more positive attitude. If you allow yourself to take a deep breath every now and then and appreciate the things you have, you'll soon start to see your life in a new light.

  • Journal before bed. Depending on your schedule and level of creativity, this could mean writing in a diary, scrapbooking, or even just making a short list of things you are grateful for. This Forbes post mentions how listing three things you appreciate at the end of every day improves sleeping patterns and helps decrease overall stress levels.

  • Say Thank You. Here's a habit that will not only improve your mood throughout the day, but also help the people around you feel appreciated. Whenever someone does something for you, whether it's an everyday occurence or happens once in a life time, make it a habit to truly thank them. Think about how their act has helped you- maybe they took care of a job you were needing to do and saved you some time, or maybe they complimented you and boosted your mood. No matter how they helped, take the time to make eye contact and thank them. You'll feel better about your day when you realize that you have people helping you, and you'll show those important people how much you appreciate their actions, no matter how small. By spreading a little joy to the people around you, you'll find yourself becoming happier by the day.

Self-care doesn't have to be expensive or complicated- all it takes is a little effort to build positive habits that will positively affect your daily life. 

Broadway Suites

Creating the perfect work environment is an essential component to caring for yourself. Most of us spend half of our waking day working, and having the right workspace can help keep you in the best headspace. Contact Broadway Suites to learn more about building out your perfect office or studio.