The Office is Key to Boosting Innovation and Creativity


Remote working was a great strategy to contain the spread of the pandemic.  While we may already have gotten used to working from home, it seems that this is not the future most employers and employees want. The productivity levels are not the same, and it all comes down to the career most people have.

As much as you may have been comfortable working from home, there is still a lot of motivation for why getting back to the office might be a great idea. Below, we explore some reasons why getting back to the office norm might be beneficial, especially when it comes to spearheading innovation.


As social beings, being cut off from personal interaction with colleagues may have negative psychological consequences. One of the places we get to meet people from all facets of life is the physical offices. The comfort we get from the interpersonal relationships we create in an office environment is underrated.

Meeting people who think differently is a great way to expand your open-mindedness and develop better ways of dealing with everyday problems, whether corporate or family-based. Interaction creates a better perspective on innovation, together with a sense of a wholesome life.

Office Safety

Even as restrictions ease up across the country, there are still many concerns on how working in the office can be as normal as it used to be without increasing the spread of COVID-19. Human survival still depends on direct contact, and the future is still bright on this ideology. Safety in the offices will always be a priority, no matter the size of any firm's corporate structure.

Shared spaces will have to follow many medical guidelines to keep the spread of any infection to the minimum levels. Being together in our regular offices will also create a potential to innovate on better ways to work efficiently and make collaborations more creative in the long run.

The COVID-19 vaccine will also play a critical role in how fast people get back to working full-time in their offices. Together with other precautions, we are sure to return to normalcy sooner than we may think but reaching herd immunity can take a long time.

Even after 90% of people return to the office, we will have to find a way to foster innovation since social distancing will still be here to stay for a long while. Medical innovations will spearhead the process, but there will be even better working conditions in most offices across the country sooner or later.

Virtual Technology

Virtual technology has helped in so many ways, but there are still many loopholes to be uncovered to make it more effective than physical offices. Studies show that we are more productive and innovative while we work together in teams through physical interaction

Interested in  a welcoming and safe office space in Manhattan to restart your work life? Get in touch with  Broadway Suites today for all your work space needs.