Visualizing Your Way to Your Best Self in 2021


There's no denying it: last year was rough for everybody. Unfortunately, the aftereffects of 2020 are still with many of us, leaving us in situations we never envisioned. But it's a new year, marking a potential new start for all of us. And if last year taught us anything, it's the importance of taking time to maintain our mental health and well-being, so that we can keep moving forward through adversity towards a brighter and happier future. That's why we've compiled a list of ways you can turn this year into a journey of self-reflection, self-care, and self-improvement.


One of the best ways to find and sustain inner calm is through daily meditation. According to the NIH's National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, meditation has the potential to soothe ailments both mental and physical, from stress and anxiety to insomnia and IBS. Some studies show that regular meditation can actually change how your brain works, promoting healthy thinking patterns and even reversing some effects of aging. And all you need is a bit of space and quiet for most meditations, so it's super accessible, too. 

To get into the swing of daily meditation and reap its numerous benefits, check out Insight Timer. Through their website or their mobile app, you can access the largest free online library of recorded guided meditations, live meditations (scheduled throughout the day, every day), and calming soundtracks for sleep and relaxation. They also feature a handy meditation timer, if you'd prefer to craft your own personalized meditation sessions. 

Start A Journal

Journaling is another great habit that will help you reflect and grow throughout the year. Writing in a journal each day allows you to keep track of your thoughts, goals, stressors and victories. Many swear by journaling, saying it helps them to notice detrimental thinking patterns and practice healthy ones. And the best part is, you can return to entries throughout the year and keep track of how much you've grown!

If you want to start a journal in 2021 but you don't know where to start, you're in luck: there are tons of apps that will beat that writer's block and help you get some thoughts down. Five Minute Journal is a great mobile app for the new journal-writer, providing brief intention-setting prompts each morning that you can complete between your coffee and your first Zoom call.

Practice Self-Care

Through everything, be kind to yourself. If you wear yourself down with negative self-talk, or if you push yourself too hard, then everything else will be for naught: you'll be too mentally exhausted to go anywhere in your journey.

There are some great resources online for everyday self-care. Apps like Breathing Zone provide calming breathing exercises when you need a quick, mindful break. Websites like Tiny Buddha are full of articles, quotes and recommendations delving into the art of self-care and mindfulness in the long term. Above all, listen to your body and your mind, paying attention to what they need; even something as small as getting up and stretching is self-care, too.

These are just a few ways to pursue growth and mental well-being this year. We hope this helps you get started, and wherever your journey takes you, we hope you find peace and satisfaction on the other side.

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