What's in Your Office - Public Works Partners

Public Works Partners designs and executes smart strategies and systems to help people work at their best. We are a consulting firm of organizational performance and urban planning experts who care about creating a positive impact in the world, both through our direct work and helping our clients fulfill their missions more effectively. Our team members all got their starts working in government and nonprofits. As practitioners, we saw firsthand the constraints public service organizations face. In large part, our firm was founded to help mission-driven clients adopt management tools and techniques to better define and achieve their goals. We’ve been supporting government, nonprofit, academic, and philanthropic clients for 10 years, and are increasingly focused on supporting community planning and development around major urban changes.

We love working with a wide array of clients that includes nonprofits, government agencies, real estate developers, and urban planning firms. As an example, we recently completed a long-term engagement with Goodwill of New York/New Jersey to develop a strategic plan that will help them effectively fulfill their mission while optimizing financial sustainability and operational efficiency. After a century as a leading employment services provider for people with disabilities and social enterprise – through its thrift stores – Goodwill’s internal infrastructure and external offerings had grown disparate. We worked with staff at all levels to assess Goodwill’s many programs for mission alignment. In tandem with the plan, we are creating a robust set of metrics to enable Goodwill to measure progress toward the strategic objectives, and track organizational health and performance on an ongoing basis.

Breakfast around here?

We’re deli people, so we’ll take a hot egg and cheese sandwich from the deli on 28th Street any day!

Why Broadway Suites?

Broadway Suites is the perfect fit and location for our organizational model. As consultants, we work everywhere and anywhere. Our clients serve a wide array of communities, and we often find ourselves traveling to meet them in multiple boroughs in a single day. Given our mobility, we need office space that is easily accessible to transit and that acts as a home base where our team can be productive in-between client meetings, and come together for internal collaboration. Broadway Suites makes all that work for us, and we love being surrounded by other small businesses doing a variety of interesting work.

The best thought that come into mind...?

Our informal mantra is “work hard, play hard, have an impact!” We believe in producing high-caliber solutions for our clients that serve public interests, and we try to have fun while doing it, making our activities engaging and enjoyable for everyone we work with. We look forward to meeting more of our Broadway Suites neighbors and learning about your endeavors.