5 Insightful Tips to Maximize Small Office Space

Most startups and small entrepreneurs have small office spaces, and if this is your case, no need to worry. Even big companies like Microsoft were started in a backyard garage and are now leading corporations.

Small office space can make you feel confined, less productive, and unmotivated, but you can effectively manage to make it feel spacious. Your workspace environment plays a pivotal role in your productivity, and these simple tips will help you utilize your space to its maximum capacity.

1. Clean Up and Clear Out


Clearing clutter and getting rid of unnecessary things from a small workspace makes a huge difference. Remove the items that you don't use daily, and you will be surprised by the amount of space you will create.

You can donate what you can, recycle what cannot be donated, or even sell some things as second-hand items. You can try adding up some fun to this process by setting up a challenge for your employees to see who can clear the most mess.

2. Embrace Natural Lighting


Working in an office with no or little amount of natural light makes the office feel small. Natural light has a magical way of making a room seem more prominent.

Ensure that your windows are large enough, and the blinds and curtains are fully open. Open windows enable much light to get into the office and create a natural aura. The natural light will make your office feel more spacious and comfortable to work.

3. Go Paperless


Large files and many papers make your office cluttered. While it's a good thing to keep the essential documents and contracts for future references, paper consumes much of your office space that you think.

Going paperless will help you save on space and also maximize the time that you could have otherwise used while filing. Try incorporating software that integrates your office work and reduces the amount of filing.

Once you have a digital filing and storage system, you will be in a position to get rid of the papers, files, and file cabinets that consume space in your office.

4. Get Small Scale Furniture


Avoid getting bulky, fancy office furniture for your small office. Large furniture will not only consume much of your space but also save some extra money for you.

There is a lot of lightweight furniture nowadays that is multipurpose, flexible, and cheap. Investing in such furniture will make your office look professional, organized, and less claustrophobic.

5. Decorate Strategically


Just like how you decorate your home, try embracing the most conservative decorating styles that will serve both the purpose of decoration and save space

Mirrors at times can be functional as well as decorative, whereas wall to wall flooring will make your office appear larger. Besides, strategically place the decorations and keep your office organized at all times to look neat and more spacious.

At Broadway Suites, we understand that startups and small entrepreneurs can start small and make it big. That is why we offer the best custom-design office that will not only suit your business but provide value for your money. Feel free to talk to us, and we will be more than willing to assist.

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