Making The Most Out Of A Small Office

Getting office space anywhere in New York City can be a mission. If you have an office or are looking for one, chances are that it has limited space and you're wondering how on earth you are going to get everything you need into your space without breaking the bank. The more square footage you end up renting, the more you're going to end up paying, so it only makes sense to maximize the efficiency of your décor to minimize the cost of operations. The key is to break down what you need from the space and, from there, optimize what you can to have a good flow.


Choosing the right furniture

When talking about a small office, the number one thing to consider is what furniture you need. Depending on your business, this may vary from having a table to have a meeting around with your team or clients, to needing a place where you can put down a salon chair (with a foot bath). No matter what business you have you are going to have to decide on both functional and aesthetically pleasing furniture.


The best solution is multi-functional furniture. This includes things such as:

  • Murphy tables (tables that fold into sleek cabinets)

  • Storage benches

  • Bookshelves as both a display cabinet or a room divider to create a façade wall

  • Tables that have storage in them (because school classrooms have some good ideas)


Additional Tips:

  • Consider track lighting or recessed lighting for your space if it's an old building (it'll give the illusion of height)

  • At windows, use blinds instead of curtains, and always set them at least 6 inches higher than the frame (it brings the eye up)

  • Use art and pictures sparingly on walls to avoid clutter

  • Wall cabinets are great, however, as mentioned before, getting multi-functional storage looks neater

  • Keep a consistent theme for the office


There are a lot of potential multi-functional furniture and décor options depending on what you need for your space. Now at this point, most people would be thinking, these ideas are good and all, but there are a lot of issues with them. Such as, how do I find the right furniture for my space? What if the furniture doesn't fit properly and things become more of an inconvenience? Really this list could go on and on because there will always be concerns when designing your own place.

Luckily you don't have to worry about all this. Broadway Suites design team will custom-design your office, giving you the most useful space for your money. Now before you go running for the hills because you think this has all been a ploy to get you to use a service you don't think you need. It's not. Even if you design your office yourself, these tips are still for you. However, your time is valuable, so you might want to consider using our services, which includes affordable custom furniture built specifically for your office.

Broadway Suites