Five Crucial Tips for Making Time for Your Passion

We've often been told to pursue work or activities that we are passionate about or enjoy doing. Our mentors or teachers have used this almost cliche statement to encourage us to pursue what makes us tick, severely. Interestingly, some people are fortunate enough to have professional jobs to utilize their passion by applying their technical skills. However, this is not the case for everyone, as some are involved in jobs that they are less passionate about.

Indulging in our passion through hobbies has several benefits besides increasing our satisfaction in our work. It helps us relieve stress, increase our confidence by regularly practicing to become masters of our craft, increase our social connections, and improve our mental health.

Therefore, if you are genuinely passionate about something, you need to get started right now. This does not mean you have to quit your job or abscond from your family duties and responsibilities. It calls for making time to accommodate your passion within your work schedule. The following are crucial tips that can help you make time for your passion:

1.                  Make a To-do List

A conflicting opinion exists that making a to-do list disrupts one's opportunity to be "in the moment" of an activity. However, that is debatable, as to-do lists are flexible and changeable depending on your needs and priorities. Develop one as it is the surest way of creating time for what you love doing. This keeps you in check and focused on achieving your goals.

2.                  Learn to say no

We often indulge in activities not because we like them but because they are within our schedule. We need to scrutinize our schedule, retain activities that we enjoy doing, and relinquish those we consider unnecessary. Additionally, learning to say No is essential in creating time for something you are passionate about.

3.                  Find a Partner

A new habit or goal is easier when one has an accountability partner to help them stick to a schedule. Thus, finding a friend or even a family member who shares the same hobby or interest as you is essential. You may decide to meet up once each week to do an activity together or even have a phone call or coffee to talk about your progress. This helps you gain some insights from your partner to help you improve your hobby.

4.                  Ask for Help

It is the nature of man to hesitate to ask for help from others. However, this need not be the case when pursuing your passion. The first step is telling your family and friends about the passion you are pursuing and asking them to support you. They might be able to lend a hand in some of your chores, like babysitting or doing groceries for you while you concentrate on your passion. Additionally, you might be surprised to have a friend or family member who shares the same interests as you.

5.                  Go Slowly

Making drastic changes and a sudden leap into pursuing your passion full-time can be catastrophic for you. Thus, a slow and steady approach is ideal as it gives you time to learn, readjust and become an expert in it. Always remember that it is better to learn, practice, and develop your confidence and skills in your passion systematically than to make a sudden leap that might be short-lived.

Final Thoughts

Pursuing one's passion is a prerequisite for improving job satisfaction. It is good for your peace of mind and general mental health. MasterCard Online Classes are available to help you pursue your passion through your hobbies. You may develop your passion from elementary to advanced through these online classes, whether in cooking, painting, or writing. So be sure to enroll in the classes today.

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