Spruce Up Your Space: Benefits of Plants in Your Workspace

Whether you're working from home or in an office, adding live plants to your work space makes a positive impact that goes far past aesthetics. You don't have to add a jungle to your habitat to reap the benefits of live plants however. Below are some benefits indoor plants promote, as well as tips to add the outside into your office.

De-stress With Shrubs

In a study by the Journal of Physiological Anthropologyit claimed that touching and smelling plants can actually make a positive difference in physiological and psychological stress. It claimed that even the soil the plants are in can create what are considered "outdoorphines" which release feel-good, mood boosters in the air. It notes that just being around plants can help loosen your muscles and lower your heart rate.

Clear the Air

In addition to indoor plants helping with stress and anxiety, they are natural mood enhancers. Having a variety of plants around have shown to not only improve how you feel, but employees with plants around are more upbeat, take less sick days, and have an overall optimistic outlook about their job. That's one big plant positive!

Call to Attention

Having live plants, sorry the plastic ones won't do, in your workspace can add to productivity and make you more attentive. In a 2018 Forbes article, it cited a recent study that said plants could increase team members well-being by 47% when at work, and just being around plants could up your memory game by up to 20%.  Adding them to the atmosphere, or even having a few commingling on your desk, may help you in the "all ears" department.

How To Plant Some Pick-Me-Ups

Adding some green to your workspace is simple, but there's a few things you should keep in mind.

  • Choose plants that are safe for children and pets. Some plants make look pretty, but can pose harm on our furry friends or little ones. It's important to do your research or speak with an experienced team member at your local nursery.

  • Make sure you keep an eye on pest life in your plants. At home or in the office, no one wants to add creepy crawlers to their work community so keep them at bay by using fresh soil and easy to find sprays.

  • Choose plants that suit your lifestyle. Some plants, like succulents, need very little water and don't take up a lot of space, while others need a little more of your attention. Air plants for example need no soil at all to strive, but you might want to get your hands dirty. Know how much time, energy, light, and water you're willing to give your new favorite foliage before getting started.

Whatever plant you choose, big or small, you'll bring in the plant perks in your workspace!

You and your botanical friends will always be welcome at Broadway Suites. If you are looking for clean, safe, affordable Manhattan office space to meet clients/customers or just to separate your work from your home life, contact Broadway Suites and arrange for a tour of our facilities. We have plenty of space for you and your greenery!