Tenant Spotlight: JV Public Relations NY


Read up on our conversation with our longtime tenant Janet Vasquez

We LOVE having you here at Broadway Suites, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

1) Who are you and what do you do? I am Janet Vasquez, CEO of JV Public Relations NY

2) Why do you do what you do? We are a public relations firm specializing in healthcare, state and City agencies and also emerging start up companies. Aside from doing traditional media work, we also film and produce corporate videos.

3) How do you work? Mostly under a lot of pressure! 

4)  What’s your background? I have over 30 years working in the space and six years ago, I started my own agency after working on Wall Street for over 10 years.

5) What’s integral to the work of a publicist? Keeping up on trends and constantly monitoring what the media and the public are interested in. I am a news hound and I am constantly reading.

6) How has your practice changed over time? Public relations firm have to create their own content, including writing articles, producing videos, creating their own media outlets.

7)  Outside of work, what do you most enjoying doing? I enjoy the outdoors. I love my small bungalow upstate so I can connect with nature. I love being outside or bathing by the waterfall or pool.

8) What food, drink, song inspires you? SONG: Lizzo’s new song is inspiring because it keeps reminding me I am Good as Hell!

9)   What do you dislike about your work? You have to be a people pleaser and that makes it easy for clients to abuse you or take advantage of you. Also collecting on services rendered. It’s hard to chase folks for money.

10)   What do you like about your work? Being part of your client’s success. I feel tremendous joy when I can be part of helping clients be successful.

11)   What superpower would you have and why? I am a multitasker. I do like 100 things at once. It’s exhausting but I get things done.

12)   Name something you love, and why. My family! I have my son who works for me now for a few years now. If this company is successful, I want my family to be part of that success.

13)   Name something you don’t love, and why.  Negativity. I am constantly seeing it on social media. Too many trolls looking to come at you. I loathe it. I don’t expect people to be super happy, I just expect people to be respectful. If you don’t like a tweet or a post, keep scrolling. I do not have time for negatively.

14)   Professionally, what’s your goal? Continue to grow!!

15) Last question, what wouldn’t you do without? Steaming news! I love watching news all day long because it shapes my day. I want to learn something everyday so I watch everything from business news, to politics on CNN, MSNBC, CHEDDAR and CNBC. It’s good to grow your knowledge.

Check out more about JVPR on their website: https://www.jvpublicrelationsny.com/

JVPR Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/jvprny/

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