Seasonal Produce – What Fruits & Veggies Are in Season?

Before you go grocery shopping, you should check out our list of seasonal produce! Seasonal produce includes fruits and vegetables that are in season at the time of the year. Buying seasonal produce will help you eat fresh foods at their peak ripeness and have the best flavors, textures, and nutritional value possible! It's also better for the environment because it requires less shipping, preservation, and storage than non-seasonal food! 

This guide to seasonal produce will tell you what fruits and veggies are in season throughout all four seasons of the year! Here's what to look forward to in your favorite season...


One of the most popular fruits, apples, is available year-round. However, there are different types of apples with peak seasons at different times. For example, early-season apples like Gala and Honeycrisp are available from August to October. Mid-season apples like Braeburn and Fuji are available from October to November. And late-season apples like Granny Smith and Northern Spy are available from November to December.


Is there anything more quintessentially summer than a plump, juicy strawberry? These ruby-red gems are at their peak from late May to early July,

Here are a few fun facts about strawberries: 

  • The average strawberry has 200 seeds on it.

  • A grower can expect to get 8-10 quarts of strawberries from a single plant.

  • California produces 83% of the strawberries grown in the United States.


Summer is peach season! Peaches are delicious and nutritious fruit enjoyed fresh, canned, or baked. This sweet fruit is an excellent addition to any meal or snack. When choosing peaches, look for ones that are firm and have a vibrant color. Avoid those with bruising or brown spots.


Summer is the perfect time to enjoy fresh, juicy tomatoes. Whether you like red, yellow, or green, there's a type of tomato for everyone to enjoy. Heirloom tomatoes are incredibly delicious this time of year. Try them sliced on a sandwich or salad or cooked into your favorite recipe.

Sweet Corn

Fresh sweet corn is one of the true joys of summer. It's best to buy it from a farmers market or roadside stand, where it was picked that day or the day before. You can tell if corn is fresh by feel—the kernels should be plump and firm, not shriveled, and the cob should be moist but not wet. Store unhusked ears of corn in the refrigerator for up to two days; once you've husked them, use them within a day or two.


Berry season is upon us! Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries... there are so many delicious berries to choose from. But with such a short season, how can you make the most of them? Here are some tips for making the most of your berry harvest: 

Pick and eat them fresh or store them for later by putting paper towels in a single layer and covering them with plastic wrap. Add them to salads or desserts (e.g., strawberry rhubarb pie).

Final Thoughts

Including seasonal produce in your diet is a great way to eat healthier and save money. But it is difficult to know what fruits and vegetables are in season. This blog post will help you figure out what produce is in season so you can make the most of it.